EEE team awarded 1st Runner-Up at High Performance Computing (HPC) Artificial Intelligence Innovation Challenge

24 Jul 2024

EEE team was awarded the Ist Runner-Up at High Performance Computing Artificial Intelligence Innovation Challenge, spanning eight months from Nov 2023 till the finals in Jul 2024.

Co-organised by IMDA, AI SINGAPORE and National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC), the competition focused on leveraging high-performance computing to drive groundbreaking AI solutions, and comprised students from polytechnics, ITEs and universities.

EEE team, ByteHealers, developed “PressureGuard,” a bio-wearable ring designed for continuous, non-invasive blood pressure monitoring. It utilised photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals and machine learning to provide real-time blood pressure measurement, which can be monitored via a mobile app with an integrated alert system. This innovation aimed to enhance blood pressure management and promote healthier habits through data sharing and community support.

The team was guided by Wang Wei. Details of the winning team are as follows:

Name of student
Looi Zhi Qing
Ng Zi Heng DEB / Y3
Yak Ren XiangDEEE / Y3
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