School of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (MAE)

MAE Technologies (Competency)

Since early 2016, MAE has embarked on a journey to build engineering capabilities in support of Singapore's engineering industries towards i4.0 transformation. Through active surveys and engagement with the industry, MAE has identified 8 competencies that spread across 5 industrial sectors*. Embracing Singapore's Future Economy Council (FEC) ITM roadmaps, MAE continues to build existing and new (emerging) capabilities in these competencies. The disruptive Covid-19 brought significant impact to the manufacturing sector. More importantly, it also accelerates structural change towards digital transformation. MAE will continue to engage and support companies from the 5 sectors towards an i4.0 future.

For the Industry

The MAE competencies focus mainly on these 5 industrial sectors.

Advanced Manufacturing

The Advanced Manufacturing Competency Group (CG) is set to support the manufacturing sector with the latest technologies as more companies in Singapore embrace advanced manufacturing as a model to increase their productivity and efficiency. These enabling technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and Big Data enable companies to work smarter and improve productivity in the i4.0 environment.

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Composite & Materials Technology

The Composite & Materials Technology CG develops and provides material insights in the world of materials science and technology. Many new advancements in material technologies have introduced better and stronger substitutes for traditional material. MAE owns a variety of equipment from material process, characterisation, mechanical testing and computer simulation to conduct high quality research and development.

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Digital Fabrication

The Digital Fabrication CG redefines the relationship between design and fabrication by integrating computer-aided design(CAD) with computer-aided manufacturing(CAM). The geometric constraints from design and fabrication process can be eliminated as it is now much easier to handle complex shapes by reducing the dependence on standard, mass-production framework. This brings about a new digitally driven process in design and fabrication which ended the historic challenging relationship between them.

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Energy System

The Energy Systems CG aims to maximise efficiency for industry energy needs and, at the same time, deliver a cost effective model without compromise on sustainability. As Singapore steers towards a zero-carbon footprint future, optimising energy systems has never been more important as we put mathematical optimisation at the forefront to make systematic and quantitative analysis on the operational decisions for energy systems.

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Modelling & Simulation

The Modelling & Simulation CG make use of physical or logical representations of any given systems to generate data that helps in decision or prediction making. This method is widely used in the engineering community where mistakes can come not only at the loss of financials but also human lives.

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Operational Management

The Operational Management CG manages end-to-end operations with the objective of companies developing a competitive advantage. The operational management systems provide a robust platform using tools and methods to systematically manage processes and resources so as to constantly improve efficiency to enable timely delivery of quality products at the most cost competitive price.

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Product Design

The Product Design CG involves the process of imagining, creating, and iterating a product to address any specific needs in a given market. From the manufacturing point of view, product design not only contributes to the success of end-user usability and aesthetics, it also heavily influences the cost of production. Therefore, to establish product design calls for important decisions to be made; from material made, to production of parts and their assembly.

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Robotics & Mechatronics

The Robotics and Mechatronics CG enables humans to interact more safely and efficiently in the manufacturing environment by developing a wide array of robots. These robots are designed not only to maximise productivity but also to operate in surroundings that are deeply dangerous or inaccessible to humans.

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SP Sustainability Matters