Stella ready to spread her wings

16 Oct 2014

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Making the world go round

15 Oct 2014

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Mastering a voyage

15 Oct 2014

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Disable youth pursuing dreams in digital world

15 Oct 2014

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Chasing the global dream, one ang ku kueh at a time

14 Oct 2014

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Shopping with a social purpose

14 Oct 2014

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Backstage view of scare actors in Halloween Horror Nights 2014

13 Oct 2014

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Spotlight – Aspire’s Skills Future

13 Oct 2014

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Exploring new opportunities with Innovation

10 Oct 2014

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Shell gets award for being a partner in S’pore’s progress

10 Oct 2014

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Community Outreach

10 Oct 2014

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Engineering your future in Maritime

08 Oct 2014

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Taufik reaches out to Malaysia

07 Oct 2014

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Taking heart

07 Oct 2014

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Design for a Good Cause

07 Oct 2014

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Discovering the architectural strength of an ordinary stool

03 Oct 2014

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Making a difference – Social Innovation Projects

02 Oct 2014

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YouTubers Alive!

02 Oct 2014

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Yes, This Is Your Space!

02 Oct 2014

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Picking up skills to help them give back to society

02 Oct 2014

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A Humbling Experience

02 Oct 2014

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SP Sustainability Matters