Programme to prepare ‘Normal’ stream students gaining popularity

30 Dec 2019

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A step closer to achieving dream of becoming an aircraft engineer

30 Dec 2019

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Enjoying the longer journey towards dream of becoming an engineer

30 Dec 2019

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Singapore Poly offers full-time AI diploma and partners SUTD for ModularMasters programme

30 Dec 2019

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Starting their journeys early for lower transport fares

30 Dec 2019

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Keeping it short: Learn to manage your finances without sitting for a long course

28 Dec 2019

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Designer in Total Defence contest: It's feat to have logo shortlisted

27 Dec 2019

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Twins who excel in the sea trade

23 Dec 2019

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Social worker encourages for a healthy lifestyle

22 Dec 2019

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Local film maker, Alvin Lee used to be a bad student until he met his mentor

21 Dec 2019

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Youth community launched to groom talent in cybersecurity sector

20 Dec 2019

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Was moved to the normal stream, now a SAF officer

16 Dec 2019

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Food & beverage sector thriving despite retail slump

15 Dec 2019

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Thomas Kopankiewicz wins e-sports silver in first outing for Singapore

11 Dec 2019

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Students interact with elderly as part of camp activities

10 Dec 2019

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Students link ‘choping’ culture with six pillars of defence

09 Dec 2019

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Support for SMEs owned by Malays

08 Dec 2019

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Singapore Poly students turns incineration bottom ash into useful material that is affordable and environmentally friendly

08 Dec 2019

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Growing appetite in S-E Asia for dairy

07 Dec 2019

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Creative Capital: How a ‘modern day polymath’ put Singapore on the world design map

07 Dec 2019

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S’pore poly team turns burnt waste into useful material

07 Dec 2019

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SP Sustainability Matters