Diploma in Applied AI & Analytics (DAAA - S30)

Developing the Future of Technology

Believe it or not, you interact with a form of AI (Artificial Intelligence) every day! From Siri to Google Home and online chatbots, data analytics and AI make it possible for devices and programmes to respond to us in an almost human-like manner. This is changing the way we live, work, and communicate and soon, it will become an integral part of our daily lives.

If you are interested in developing the next ground-breaking AI application to benefit our world, join the Diploma in Applied AI & Analytics (DAAA) course and be part of the revolution!

Course Highlights

What You Can Expect

AI and Analytical Colab

In their own Words

DAAA in the News

See all news    

Triumph at the Huawei ICT Competition 2023-2024

30 May 2024

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Continued AI training: Fostering a resilient workforce

28 May 2024

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SoC overseas study trip to Kuala Lumpur

27 May 2024

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Securing a spot at SP: A journey of early admission

20 May 2024

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Identifying road hazards, SP Applied AI & Analytics students develop AI system to enhance road safety

12 May 2024

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From programming to entrepreneurship: The diverse paths of SP’s Computing top graduates

7 May 2024

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