Are you ready to jumpstart your career while still in school? At the School of Computing (SoC), our flagship Year-Long Internship Program (YLI) offers an unbeatable opportunity to gain 44 weeks of hands-on work experience, setting you up for success in the tech industry!

Why Choose YLI?

  • Real-World Experience: You’ll apply what you’ve learned in the classroom to real projects, working alongside industry professionals
  • Build a Portfolio of Workplace Projects: The work that you do in YLI is substantial and comparable to a full-time role. You work alongside your colleagues on Workplace Projects, which are an integral part of your YLI and job experience, giving you a significant edge over your peers
  • Learning from the Industry: Industry often deploy the most up-to-date technology stacks. Building upon your foundational skills and knowledge from the school, you will get to learn and apply the latest technologies
  • Career Skills Development: Before starting your internship, you’ll participate in workshops to define your career goals, build an impressive resume, and sharpen your interview skills. We prepare you to stand out in the competitive job market
  • Professional Recruitment Process: Experience the thrill of landing your dream internship through a selection process that mirrors real-world job hunting. Your skills and potential are what count

What to Expect During YLI?

  • Workplace Projects: Collaborate with your host company on impactful projects. Gain valuable insights and practical skills while contributing to real business solutions
  • Industry Mentorship: Work under the guidance of industry supervisors who will help you navigate the professional landscape, identify project scopes, and achieve your career aspirations

In the upcoming academic year, we’re excited to offer this life-changing program to over 400 SoC students across all three SoC diplomas. By the time you graduate, you'll have spent approximately one-third of your diploma course gaining invaluable workplace experience.

Internship Experience

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Developing the intern: A year-long internship journey

23 May 2024

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An Intern’s experience as a Cybersecurity Engineer

17 May 2024

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Applying academic learnings to a real-world project

13 May 2024

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Applied AI & Analytics student immersed in cutting-edge projects during his year-long internship

6 May 2024

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Learning beyond the classroom

14 Jan 2024

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DAAA-Joshua Wong-TB

Applied AI & Artificial Intelligence student shared his internship experience

3 Oct 2022

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Partner Companies

We’ve partnered with over 50 top-tier companies across various sectors, ensuring diverse and exciting opportunities for our students. Some of our esteemed partners include:

  • Tech Giants: Accenture, Oracle, NCS, and Synapxe
  • Government & Public Sector: GovTech, MAS, and NTU
  • Innovative Startups: Azendian and iClick Media
  • Finance Leaders: OCBC and UOB
  • Industry Pioneers: Capitaland, DSO, and Singtel
  • Creative and Media: ABC Cooking Studio and Spotworks

...and many more!

Your Journey Starts Here

Take the first step towards a successful and fulfilling career with SoC's Year-Long Internship Program. Join us and transform your learning experience, connect with industry leaders, and unlock your full potential.

Be part of the future of computing!

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