Top Awards for EEE Teams at 16th International Standards Olympiad Competition

EEE teams did it again. As in past years, they clinched the top places at the International Standards Olympiad Competition jointly organised by Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) and the Korean Standards Association (KSA) from 24 to 26 August 2021. Students from DEB, DEEE, DCPE and DASE, forming two teams, won the Silver and Bronze awards against 18 competing teams from 6 other countries (Korea, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Rwanda). The competition aimed to promote awareness of the importance of standardization for convenience and safety, and enhance the students’ scientific creativity by creating an opportunity to explore new ways of standardization.  During the competition, students were required to develop an international standard on a given task.  They were evaluated on the written assignment and oral presentation on the international standards that the students had developed within five hours. The teams were endorsed by Enterprise Singapore to represent Singapore in the high school category.  EEE Teams have been participating in this yearly International Standards Olympiad competition since 2017, wining the topmost Grand Prix Prize (2018), Silver Prize (2019) , Gold and Silver Prizes (2020). 

Competition Participants:

Name Team Name Course Year of Study Achievement
Lee Zhiqi Charlene Triple E DEB 2 Silver Award
Thattaruparambil Manoj Gayathri Triple E DEB 2 Silver Award
Chan Yi Long Triple E DEEE 2 Silver Award
M Hariharan Coffee DCPE 2 Bronze Award
Lee Jia Qian Valerie Coffee DCPE 2 Bronze Award
Wong Zhen Yang Dominic Coffee DASE 2 Bronze Award

Team Triple E receiving the Silver Prize of 500,000 KRW.  From left to right:  Lee Zhiqi Charlene, Thattaruparambil Manoj
Gayathri and Chan Yi Long

Team Coffee receiving the Bronze Prize of 300,000 KRW.  From left to right:  M Hariharan, Wong Zhen Yang Dominic
and Lee Jia Qian Valerie


Group Photos of Teams, Triple E and Coffee, together with coaching lecturers, Goh Say Seng, Than Keng Hwa and Voon Ching Choo

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