3A64 - CyberCrisisSimulationPlatform-Poster

Cyber Crisis Simulation Platform

"Let's say you have a group of people you need to teach cybersecurity to and you want to simulate a cyber crisis to explain what the ideal response would be.

How would you go on about that? What tools would you use?

That's where our product comes in

Our product is a question and answer type platform with facilitator and participants roles. The facilitator can depict scenarios with different forms of media such as images, videos, and text, and set several types of questions for participants to answer. The facilitator can control what all participants see. Results can then be aggregated and viewed synchrously among facilitator and participants.

The platform is web based. Meaning to say that facilitator and participants can access the platform from home and conduct the exercises through a video call. Moreover, our web-based approach enables the use of desktop and mobile devices even tablets.


SP Sustainability Matters