
Gamification for a Sustainable Rehabilitation Experience

This project makes the rehabilitation process more sustainable with digital games that encourage continued therapy comfortably at home.

Through the use of wearable and non-wearable sensors and devices, a system has been developed with a suite of engaging games with a mix of high intensity-oriented and purposeful movements to achieve desired rehabilitation outcomes. Through these games, patients increase their enjoyment, engagement, and motivation to continue their therapy at home while allowing rehabilitation data to be monitored remotely by the therapists at the hospital.

Now, the quality of care is ensured with 24/7 real-time monitoring of patients' rehabilitation recovery status; whilst carbon footprint is reduced due to reduction in travel between home and hospital by the patients.


Arun Kumar (Lead) | Jaichandar K S


Su Qing Huang Johnathan | Teung Ler Yee | Thing Wan Jie


Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

SP Sustainability Matters