MAG (Mechanical Anti Gravity)

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Conducting quantum levitation test with MAG.

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Getting ready for quantum levitation test with MAG.


MAG is a load-bearing moving platform that is mechanically powered without electricity and fuel combustion. Thus, user safety and environmental friendliness are both enhanced. Applying quantum levitation, the platform moves frictionlessly and hence minimises the need for user maintenance.

This innovative technology has potential applications in the Transport & Logistics, Food & Beverage, and Recreation industries. The project can also be used for Engineering outreach programmes and as a teaching aid for modules like Thermofluids and Mechanics, offered under SP's School of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (MAE).


MAG consists of 2 primary components - the cryostat and the chassis.

The cryostat is a thermally insulated aluminium box that holds the superconductors and liquid nitrogen at low cryogenic temperatures. On top of the cryostat is the loading platform that is made of strong lightweight hybrid composite.

The chassis is a wooden track securing the neodymium magnets via ratchet straps. It provides the strong magnetic field required for the quantum levitation of cryostat.

Project video

Project Video Clip

School: School of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering

Course: Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering

Supervisor: Leong Ying Wei

Students: Lew Lin, Chen Xiao Wei, Thant Zaw Aung, Kwang Yu Yeung, Ng Jia Jie

SP Sustainability Matters