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Terms and Conditions

1. Application

1.1 Application for all PACE courses will be accepted through Skills Training and Enhancement Portal (STEP).

1.2 All applications are subject to confirmation and PACE Academy will endeavour to notify applicants of their application outcome via STEP Student Portal and email:

Course Type Application Outcome
Short Courses 10 working days before the scheduled commencement date of the course
E-Learning Courses Within 3 working days
CET Part-Time Diploma and Post-Diploma Courses 6 weeks after the closing of the course registration period


1.3 Closing date for application for courses will be indicated in the respective course detail page.

1.4 For self-sponsored applicant, you may apply via “Register”. You will be directed to STEP to manage all your course activities. Please note that you will be prompted to sign in with Singpass or Learner ID.

For company-sponsored applicant, please approach your company representative to obtain the unique registration link. To generate a unique registration link, your company representative must login through the company portal using CorpPass at STEP and follow the instructions here.

If you have submitted an application as a self-sponsored applicant and would like to change to company-sponsored. you must cancel the self-sponsored application and re-submit an application via the registration link from your company representative.

1.5 The data provided to Singapore Polytechnic will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for the purpose of course administration and for communication with the relevant organisations that require the information related to the course.

1.6 Please note that all programmes and courses offered by the PACE Academy are conducted in the English language, unless otherwise stated.


2. Payment of course fees

2.1 The fees in the course fee table are indicative as they are based on prevailing funding policies and subject to review by MOE/SSG.

2.2 For Pay Upon-Application courses, application is on a first-come-first served basis with full payment of course fee. For self-sponsored applicants, a place is only confirmed upon receipt of payment. Places are allocated based on a first-come-first served basis with full payment made. For company-sponsored applicants, application is confirmed when invoices are paid. Payment is to be made within 30 days from date of invoice. The payment terms are 30 days from the date of invoice or before the commencement of the course, whichever is earlier.

For Pay-Upon-Offer courses, enrolment is only confirmed upon full payment of course fees before the commencement of the course. For self-sponsored applicants, a place is only confirmed upon receipt of payment. For company sponsored applicants, payment is to be made within 30 days from date of invoice.

2.3 All payment must be made via STEP Student Portal or Company Portal. Acceptable modes of payment are as follows:

a) E-payment Modes (Credit Card/Debit Card/eNETS)
For e-payment using Visa/Master cards, please click on the ‘Make e-Payment’ button on the acknowledgement page to proceed.


Note: For self-sponsored applicant, please make payment within the stipulated deadline in order to secure your training place.

b) PayNow

Please enter the UEN No. T08GB0056ACET and indicate the invoice number. 


c) Bank Transfer/ Telegraphic Transfer (TT)

Bank details as follows (For payment in Singapore Dollars & net of all bank charges)


Account Number : 020-003231-6

Bank Code : 7171

Branch Code : 020

Swift Code : DBSSSGSG

Bank’s name : DBS Bank Ltd.

Bank’s Address : 12 Marina Boulevard, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982


Singapore Polytechnic encourages you to remit in Singapore currency in order to avoid not settling the fees in full due to differences in exchange of the foreign currency.

There will be a bank processing fee and other agent bank charges imposed when you make a Telegraphic Transfer. To ensure that the full amount of tax payable is remitted to Singapore Polytechnic, please instruct your bank that “Telegraphic Transfer / other agent bank charges to be borne by the applicant” instead of the beneficiary. Otherwise, the amount remitted may not be sufficient to cover your course fees in full and Singapore Polytechnic may then need to recover any outstanding tax

Any bank charges incurred have to be borne by the remitter.

d) SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) – see details in link below

Payment of Course Fees using SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) for Part-Time Diploma/Post-Diploma Courses (sp.edu.sg)

e) Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) – see details in link below

Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Scheme (sp.edu.sg)


3. Withdrawal, Deferment and Reinstatement

3.1 Withdrawal or deferment requests must be submitted via STEP Student Portal. Please refer to the Refund and Withdrawal policy applicable for each course.

Withdrawal or deferment is not applicable to e-learning courses and assessments.

3.2 Learners who wish to withdraw or defer from the course shall submit a withdrawal or deferment request respectively in STEP Student Portal.

Upon approval of the request, you will be disenrolled from the current semester. Reinstatement for the current semester will not be possible. You may submit a reinstatement request to return to study in future semesters.

For deferment of the next semester, learners should not submit the request in the current semester. You shall complete the current semester and await a progression task for the next semester where you may choose not to progress.

3.3.1 There will be no course fee refund or transfer of course once payment is made for E-learning/Exams/Assessments.

3.3.2 Learners shall settle all outstanding bills with the Polytechnic prior to withdrawal or deferment. The portion of course fee to be refunded is based on the submission date of withdrawal or deferment request as follows: 

Course Withdrawal date / Course Deferment dateIllustration of Course withdrawal / Course Deferment datePaid course fees
On or after the course start dateE.g., The course commencement date is 14 October 2024.
Withdrawal/deferment request is put up on or after 14 October 2024.
No refund
More than or equal to 14 days before the course start dateE.g., The course commencement date is 14 October 2024.
Withdrawal/deferment request is put up more than or equal to 14 days before 14 October 2024.
Full refund of paid course fee
Less than 14 days before the course start dateE.g., The course commencement date is 14 October 2024.
Withdrawal/deferment request is put up on 30 September 2024 to 13 October 2024.
50% refund of paid course fee

*For Part-Time Diploma courses, Student Union Entrance fee and Student Union Subscription fee are not refundable.

3.4 There will be no course fee refund for learners who do not turn up for the course.

3.5 Learners who wish to resume study subsequently shall submit reinstatement request in STEP Student Portal.  The request for reinstatement is subject to availability of the course and approval by SP. Reinstated learners shall adhere to the latest course requirements. Prior learning (including grades and credit units attained) will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. There will be no MOE fee subsidy for deferred/repeated/retake module(s). PACE Academy will contact you at least 1 week before semester commencement. Please write to ptenquiry@sp.edu.sg if you do not hear from us by the stipulated date.


4. Course Cancellation, Changes & Modifications

PACE Academy reserves the right to cancel, postpone or modify the course, including course schedules, course trainer, course fee etc., at short notice; and at its sole discretion, without providing any reasons for such changes. In the event that the applicant’s chosen course is cancelled prior to its commencement, PACE Academy will make a full refund on course fees already paid by the applicant.


5. Appeal

5.1 Learners who wish to i) appeal against a failed test/examination results or ii) request to print letter of certification/transcripts/learner cards, shall submit a request in the STEP Student Portal. If you are unable to find the course in the request, please email pace@sp.edu.sg.

5.2 A non-refundable administrative fee of $21.80 (inclusive of GST) is payable for each request submitted.


6. Replacement of missed classes

There will be strictly no replacement lessons for classes.

For CET Part-Time Diploma and Post-Diploma Courses, with effect from Academic Year 2018/19 Semester 1, learners who are unable to attend classes (including lectures, tutorials and classroom training, etc.) regardless of reasons are not required to apply Leave of Absence (LOA) for Sessions. Learners are responsible to ensure that you meet the minimum 50% attendance for each module.


7. e-Attendance via SingPass

From 1 Oct 2023, it is mandatory to take e-attendance via SingPass for all SSG funded courses for both physical classroom and synchronous e-learning courses. 


8. Certificates/Letters of Completion/Transcripts

e-Certificates for short courses will be issued to participants who have achieved at least 75% attendance and/or pass the required assessment.


9. Limited Liability Clause

Singapore Polytechnic, its governors, officers, agents and employees shall not be liable for any loss, damages and/or injury, including loss of life, which participants of our courses may suffer arising out of or in connection with our courses, whether the loss, damage and/or injury was suffered on any of Singapore Polytechnic’s premises or at any other venue(s) in connection with our courses.


10. Personal Data

10.1 The personal data that you provide to Singapore Polytechnic arising out of your course of study will be treated as confidential but may be used or disclosed for the purposes set out below. Such data may include personal particulars, family data, assessment records, special needs and medical information, sound, video or CCTV recordings etc. The data could be used or disclosed for the following purposes:

10.2 To facilitate the execution of activities by the Polytechnic as an academic institution in support of your learning journey and will include, but is not limited to, release of information for the securing of internship / Industrial Training Programme placements.

10.3 To facilitate the execution of activities by the Polytechnic in dispensing its duties to ensure the safety and welfare of its staff / learner and will include, but is not limited to, judicious release of information to personal tutors who are charged with monitoring and caring for learner with special needs and / or medical conditions.

10.4 Monitoring of premises and / or persons within premises for security reasons and / or to regulate learner discipline or behaviour.

10.5 For publication in areas that is customary by educational institutions, including but not limited to awards of prizes, medals, scholarships, and other marks of distinction, and learner or graduation status.

10.6 For prescribed evaluative purpose that may include, but is not limited to, evaluation for admission to institutions of higher learning (e.g. the autonomous universities), for scholarships / bursaries / loans and other support schemes.

10.7 Shared with government ministries, statutory boards and agencies or external parties where SP is required to do so by law or in order to fulfil a statutory obligation or for the purpose of Education and Career Guidance (ECG).