Singapore Polytechnic has been training and developing talent since 1954, even before Singapore became independent, fuelling the economic growth of the nation over the many decades. Continuing Education and Training (CET) was given prominence in 1979 in Singapore Polytechnic when Singapore needed well-trained and skilled manpower to boost its push to value-added manufacturing and services.
The Professional & Adult Continuing Education Academy or PACE, launched at Singapore Polytechnic in 2010, provides the focal point for CET – as Singapore Polytechnic continues to build on our success in providing new and effective pathways for learners of all ages to develop their skills and knowledge so as to be employable in an ever-changing workplace.
We offer more than 400 courses including formalised certifiable courses like Part-Time Diplomas, Post-Diplomas, Work-Study Programmes (WSP), SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes (SCTP) and many short but targeted skills training courses to meet the aspirations of individuals and corporations. Working closely with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), Workforce Singapore (WSG), associations and unions for outreach to all potential learners, PACE facilitates funding support through our partner agencies like SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), Maritime Port Authority (MPA) and Employability and Employment Institute (e2i) to ensure our courses and programmes are affordable.
Above and beyond, we take great care to introduce new courses and programmes whilst updating existing ones to be relevant to the industry by aligning to the national Skills Frameworks (SFw) and Industry Transformation Maps (ITM). PACE courses are designed with the adult learner in mind – applying the appropriate andragogy and committing the best training resources.
Find us in the digital space or simply walk into our One-Stop Centre. Come and explore the myriad of opportunities to make it possible for you to remain highly employable with the required skills and knowledge in the 21st Century Singapore. Singapore Polytechnic is the Polytechnic for all Ages.