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Course Deferment /

Module Deferment 

1. Request must be submitted via STEP student portal.

2. Upon approval of the request, student will be disenrolled from the current semester. Reinstatement for the current semester will not be possible. Student may submit a reinstatement request to return to study in future semesters.

3. For deferment of the next semester, students should not submit the request in the current semester. Students shall complete the current semester and await a progression task for the next semester where students may choose not to progress.

4. Deferment application is subject to approval by the Singapore Polytechnic. The Polytechnic’s decision is final. Full information is available in the Course/Module Deferment Request via STEP student portal.

5. Submission Deadline
    a. Course deferment: Before the course ends or the deadline stated at Important Dates to Note, whichever earlier. 
    b. Module deferment: Before the module ends or the deadline stated at Important Dates to Note, whichever earlier. 

Course Withdrawal

1. Request must be submitted via STEP student portal.

2. Upon approval of the request, student will be disenrolled from the current semester. Reinstatement for the current semester will not be possible. Student may submit a reinstatement request to return to study in future semesters.

3. Withdrawal application is subject to approval by the Singapore Polytechnic. The Polytechnic’s decision is final. Full information is available in the Course Withdrawal Request via STEP student portal.

4. Submission Deadline: Before the course ends or the deadline stated at Important Dates to Note, whichever earlier. 

Course Reinstatement

1. Request must be submitted via STEP student portal.

2. The request for reinstatement is subject to availability of the course and approval by SP.

3. Reinstated students shall adhere to the latest course requirements. Prior learning (including grades and credit units attained) will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

4. There will be no MOE fee subsidy for deferred/repeated/retake module(s).

5. SP will contact you at least 1 week before semester commencement. Please write to if you do not hear from us by the stipulated date.

6. If your request is submitted after the deadline*, your request will not be considered for the upcoming semester.

7. *Submission Deadline:
    a. For reinstatement to April semester, the deadline is 15th of March.
    b. For reinstatement to October semester, the deadline is 15th of September.

Module Reinstatement for Deferred Module(s)

1. Please submit your request to


2. Module reinstatement request is subjected to availability of the course and approval by SP and shall adhere to the latest course requirements.


3. If you have previously paid for your deferred module(s), no additional payment is required. If no payment was made earlier, you will be billed accordingly. 


4. If your request is submitted after the deadline*, your request will not be considered for the upcoming semester. 


*Submission Deadline

a. For reinstatement to April semester, the deadline is last day of March.
b. For reinstatement to October semester, the deadline is last day of September.

Certification Letter Request

1. Request must be submitted via STEP student portal.

2. If you are unable to find the course in the request, please email

3. Certification Letter
    a. Letter of Certificate for student status
    b. Letter of Completion for Modular Certificate/Post-Diploma Certificate/Diploma

4. Others
    a. Reprint of Academic Transcript - $10.90 per copy
    b. Reprint of Modular Certificate (MC) - $21.80 per MC
    c. Reprint of Post-Diploma Certificate (PDC) - $21.80 per PDC
    d. Replacement of Full Qualification Certificate* - $21.80 per certificate
        *Only 1 replacement is allowed per graduate for each course completed

    e. Syllabus (sent to Local Institution) - $10.90 per set
    f. Syllabus (sent to Overseas Institution) - $21.80 per set

Repeat Failed Module(s) Request

1. Request must be submitted via Request Form to Repeat Failed Modules.

2. The request form for repeating failed modules will be accessible once the semester exam results are released.

3. For courses where students are allowed to proceed to the next stage of the course even if the student has failed a module, you will receive the repeat module task after the last semester of the course. For courses where students are not allowed to proceed to the next stage of the course if the student has failed a module, you will receive the repeat module task between the dates mentioned at  Important Dates to Note. Please accept the task and make payment promptly. Failure to do so, it will be deemed as you do not wish to continue with course and will be withdrawn.

4. If your request is submitted after the deadline*, your request will not be considered for the upcoming semester.

5. *Submission Deadline:
    a. For request to repeat failed module(s) to April semester, the deadline is last day of March, or the deadline stated at Important Dates to Note, whichever earlier. 
    b. For request to repeat failed module(s) to October semester, the deadline is last day of September, or the deadline stated at Important Dates to Note, whichever earlier. 



Module Grade Review

1. Request must be submitted via STEP student portal.

2. Student may appeal for a review of module grade in the semester examination. 

3. All appeals must be lodged within 4 working days after the release of the semester results.

4. If your appeal is submitted after the deadline, your appeal will not be considered.

5. Please note that only ONE such appeal can be lodged. No re-appeals are permitted.

6. A non-refundable fee of S$21.80 (inclusive of GST) per module will be charged for the appeal.




Higher Education Bursary


(Previously known as MOE Bursary)




Eligibility Criteria

1. Singaporeans

2. Subsidised full qualification Part-Time Diploma students [excluding Diploma in Maritime and Offshore Management, Advanced Diploma, Specialist Diploma, Diploma (Conversion), Work-Study Programmes (WSP), and modular courses]

3. Gross monthly Household Income (GHI) of immediate and non-immediate family member of $10,000 and below, or Per Capita Income (PCI) of $2,500 and below

4. Not a recipient of full scholarship (cover tuition fees and allowance) in the same academic year. 

1. Online application via STEP student portal will commence from the 3rd week after semester starts.

2. Application period: 4 weeks

3. Application outcome: 
    a. For April semester, the outcome will release by early October.
    b. For October semester, the outcome will release by early April.


Part-Time Diploma Students (Singaporean):

Gross GHI/PCI **
GHI: $4,400 and below, or 
PCI: $1,100 and below
$425 / Semester
GHI: $4,401 - $7,500, or 
PCI: $1,101 - $1,875
$355 / Semester
GHI: $7,501 - $10,000, or 
PCI: $1,876 - $2,500
$160 / Semester