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Company and Workforce Transformation - Data Discovery (Classroom & Synchronous learning)

Topic:Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Course Type:Short & Modular Courses

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  • Course Date:

  • Registration Period:

  • Duration/Frequency:

    16 hours / 2 days
  • Mode of Training:

    Blended (F2F & Online Synchronous)
  • Venue:

    Singapore Polytechnic / Online / External Venue
  • Funding:

    Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit

Given the importance of a data-driven digital transformation, there is impetus for companies to recognise whether the data they have on hand can address pertinent problem statements in order to support the companies’ digital transformation plans. If such data is not available, then efforts should be put in place to support the proper collection of necessary data.

Course Objective


Course Outline

By the end of the course, participants will be able to: 

1. Describe the design thinking process and tools
2. Apply the design thinking process and tools to complete identified problem statement(s)  

Topics to be covered

1. Articulate the project statement
2. Craft the user interview questions
3. Identify insights from user interviews
4. Define the ‘user persona’ and his/her needs
5. Explore ideation methods for meeting persona’s needs

Minimum Requirements


Certification / Accreditation


Suitable for


Course Fees

For more information on course fee / or to apply, click on the “Register” button.

Applicants/Eligibility SkillsFuture Funding GST* Subsidised Fee (after GST)
Singapore Citizens aged 40 and above¹ $1,080.00 $32.40 $152.40
Singapore Citizens aged below 40 $840.00 $32.40 $392.40
Singapore Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders $840.00 $32.40 $392.40
SME-sponsored Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders² $1,080.00 $32.40 $152.40
Others (Full fees payable) $0.00 $108.00 $1,308.00

Application Procedure

1. Application must be made through STEP. Click on “Register” to apply.
2. All successful applicants will be notified with a letter of confirmation through email. 

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