Course Date:
Registration Period:
3 Evenings per week, 06:30 - 09:30 pm
Mode of Training:
Singapore Polytechnic
Please note that once the maximum class size is reached, the online registration will be closed. You may register your interest and be notified when there is a new run.
Class schedule:
MC1: Mon, Wed & Fri (6.30pm - 9.30pm)
MC2: Mon, Tue & Thu (6.30pm - 9.30pm)
Course Duration:
270 hours (1 year)
For specific course details, please contact the Course Manager:
Name: Capt Agus Kassim
Email: Agus_KASSIM@sp.edu.sg
For other enquiries, please email to ptenquiry@sp.edu.sg
This one-year programme is to enable participants who do not possess maritime qualification to take up a career in the maritime and offshore industry. It aims to give the participants a greater level of understanding in shipping, logistics and offshore operations and management. The participants will be able to perform their jobs with a greater level of competence and understanding after completing this course.
Participants are required to bring computer notebook when attending lessons, as you may need it to access the e-learning materials, writing reports, etc.
This course aims to equip non-maritime students with the theoretical knowledge and principles in the operation and management of shipping, logistics and offshore businesses. With this knowledge, they can apply themselves effectively to broaden the scope of their job function and keep themselves abreast with the rapidly changing industry practices.
There are 3 modules in each part at 45 hours per module, which make up a total of 135 hours for each part and 270 hours for the whole course.
This course consists of 2 Modular Certificates (MC). Each certificate comprises of 3 modules and the details are as follows:
Semester One
MC1 - Certificate in Maritime Business
Module 1 – Maritime Economic and Shipbroking
Module 2 – Maritime Law and Insurance
Module 3 – Cargo Management and Ship Surveying
Semester Two
MC2 - Certificate in Maritime and Offshore
Module 4 – Ship and Financial Management
Module 5 – Maritime and Offshore Operations
Module 6 – Supply Chain Management
The synopsis of the modules can be found here
All participants are required to attend 3 evening classes per week. For Semester One, the classes are scheduled every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. For Semester Two, the classes are scheduled every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.