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Specialist Diploma in Nutrition and Exercise Science

Topic:Applied & Health Sciences, Others

Course Type:Part-Time Diploma and Post-Diploma Courses

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  • Course Date:

    21 Apr 2025 to 31 Mar 2026
  • Registration Period:

  • Duration/Frequency:

    3 evenings per week, 6.30pm-9.30pm
  • Mode of Training:

  • Venue:

    Singapore Polytechnic
  • Funding:

    Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit

Please note that once the maximum class size is reached, the online registration will be closed. You may register your interest and be notified when there is a new run.

Class schedule:

270 hours (1 year)


Please refer to Academic Calendar.

Most countries in the world are grappling with an aging population as well as an obesity epidemic. Singapore is no different. Based on figures provided by the Singapore government, the number of elderly citizens aged 65 years and above will triple to 900,000 by the year 2030. On top of that, 40% of adults here aged 18 to 69 are overweight. Of these, 10% of them are obese. With this backdrop, the demand for healthy lifestyle services and products have been increasing in Singapore over the last few years and the industry is in need of suitably qualified healthy lifestyle professionals to meet this demand. Having an integrated knowledge in sound nutrition and optimal exercise is essential for professionals working in the health and fitness industry to help combat rising obesity and aging-related ailments.

Participants are required to bring computer Notebook when attending lessons, as you may need it to access the e-learning materials, writing reports, etc.

Course Objective

This diploma course aims to provide learners with an integrated education focusing on nutrition and exercise science so that students can acquire a holistic education in health and fitness. It also enhances occupational and personal competencies for better career enhancement in the health and fitness industry.

The course aims to provide the participants with the:

  • Understanding of the science of nutrition and the importance of nutritional adequacy and balance for optimal growth and health. Understanding of the role of nutrition in disease prevention and management.
  • Overview and appreciation of the underlying principles and practice involved in the evolving field of exercise and sports nutrition.
  • Understanding of the physiological principles that explain how the human body functions during exercise.
  • Ability to apply the knowledge of exercise physiology in the fitness and performance arena to attain general wellness levels and achieve maximum performance in sport or exercise.
  • Understanding of the process of evaluating and diagnosing movement inefficiencies, thereby improving movement quality and reduce injuries.

Course Outline

This modular certificate course is presented through lectures, and practical sessions. Participants will undergo a structured 12-month program over two semester periods. Conceptual knowledge and principles are presented in lectures while practical and assignments reinforce the understanding. Learning outcomes are tested by way of written tests, quizzes, assignments and practical tests.

This course consists of 2 post diploma certificates (PDCs). Each PDC comprises of 3 modules and the details are shown below. Each module has 45 hours of teaching.

PDC1:  Certificate in Nutrition
Module 1 - Applied Nutrition
Module 2 - Diet and Disease
Module 3 - Sports Nutrition

PDC2: Certificate in Exercise Science

Module 1 - Exercise Physiology
Module 2 - Physical Fitness Conditioning and Exercise Prescription
Module 3 - Exercise Rehabilitation

Please click here for the module synopsis.

All participants are required to attend three evening classes per week, from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm. There are 15 weeks in one semester.


Certificate in Nutrition
Lecturers teaching the Certificate in Nutrition have many years of experience in the dietetics and/or nutrition field. They are either working in the elite sports sector, with clinical populations or have been nutrition consultant for more than 10 years.

Certificate in Exercise Science
Lecturers teaching the Certificate in Exercise Science have more than 10 years’ experience in the health, fitness and sports industry. They are certified strength and conditioning specialists, certified exercise physiologists who are currently or have previously prepared and worked with elite athletes competing in the Olympic Games, Asian Games, Commonwealth games, World championships and other international competitions. One of them had worked with international athletes and produced Olympic medals for Singapore.

Minimum Requirements

Applicants need to have a minimum diploma qualification in science, technology or engineering from recognised institutions and relevant working experience in nutrition and fitness industry.

Individuals with a minimum diploma qualification but not in science, technology or engineering but with 3 years of relevant working experience in nutrition and fitness industry will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be subjected to interviews or tests before they will be considered for enrolment.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Applicants who do not meet the entry requirements may be considered for admission to the course based on evidence of at least 5 years of relevant working experience or supporting evidence of competency readiness. Suitable applicants who are shortlisted may have to go through an interview and/or entrance test. The Polytechnic reserves the right to shortlist and admit applicants.

Certification / Accreditation

Upon completion of 2 Post-Diploma Certificates, the participant will be conferred Specialist Diploma in Nutrition and Exercise Science from Singapore Polytechnic

Suitable for

This post-diploma certificate course provides an understanding of nutrition and exercise science concepts relevant to the health and fitness industry. Topics covered include applied nutrition, diet and disease, sports nutrition, exercise physiology, physical fitness conditioning and exercise prescription and exercise rehabilitation. Students will also gain hands-on experience in laboratory work and practical sessions.

Individuals who are working in the health and fitness industry and who are looking to deepen their nutrition and exercise science knowledge will benefit from the course.

Course Fees

For more information on course fee / or to apply, click on the “Register” button.

For more information on course fee / or to apply, click on the “Register” button.

The fees in the course fee table are indicative as they are based on prevailing funding policies and subject to review by MOE/SSG. 


Application Procedure

1. Application must be made through STEP. Click on “Register” to apply.
2. All successful applicants will be notified with a letter of confirmation through email. 

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