Course Date:
Registration Period:
Mode of Training:
The training will include (amongst others):
• Performing and monitoring all oil tanker cargo operations
• Familiarity with physical and chemical properties of oil cargoes
• Taking precaution to prevent hazards from oil cargo, applying occupational health and safety precautions
• Responding to emergencies on oil tankers
• Precautions to prevent the environmental pollution from oil tankers
• Monitoring and controlling compliance with legislative requirements
• Compliance with MARPOL Annex I regulations
*Please note that once the maximum class size is reached, the online registration will be closed.
You may register your interest, and would be notified if there is new run.
For Course Specific details:
Capt Agus Kassim
Course Coordinator
Phone: 68706050
Email: Agus_KASSIM@sp.edu.sg
The course aims providing training personnel engaged in Sea Transport sector, at an Advanced level. They include Masters, Chief Engineer Officers, Chief Mates, Second Engineer Officers (Special Limits as well as international voyages), and any person onboard oil tankers with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit, handling cargo, tank cleaning, or other cargo-related operations on oil tankers. The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) also approves this programme to meet all the requirements under Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) convention Chapter V, Section A-V/1-1 para 2.
This certificate is pre-requisite to obtaining ‘Dangerous Cargo Endorsement’ (DCE) from MPA, mandatory for Senior Shipboard Officers and Engineers.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Take immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning or other cargo-related operations on oil tankers
Topics to be covered
Day 1 - 1.0 Knowledge of Oil Tanker Design, Systems, and Equipment
- 1.1 General Arrangement and Construction
- 1.2 Pumping Arrangement and Equipment
- 1.3 Tank Arrangement, Pipeline System and Tank Venting Arrangement
- 1.4 Gauging Systems and Alarms
- 1.5 Cargo Heating Systems
- 1.6 Tank Cleaning, Gas Freeing, and Inerting Systems
- 1.7 Ballast System
- 1.8 Cargo Area Venting and Accommodation Ventilation
Day 2 - 1.9 Slop Arrangements
- 1.10 Vapour Recovery Systems
- 1.11 Cargo-Related Electrical and Electronic Control System
- 1.12 Environmental Protection Equipment, including Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME)
- 1.13 Tank Coating
- 1.14 Tank Temperature and Pressure Control Systems
- 1.15 Fire-Fighting Systems
- 3. Proficiency in Tanker Safety Culture and Implementation of Safety Management System
- 5.0 Loading, Unloading, Care, and Handling of Cargo
- 5.1 Ability to Perform Cargo Measurements and Calculations
- 6.0 Knowledge of the Effect of Bulk Liquid Cargoes on Trim, Stability, and Structural Integrity
Day 3 - 7.1 Loading / Unloading -
- 7.2 Ballasting / De-ballasting
- 7.3 Tank Cleaning Operation
(LCHS)- 8 Development and Application of Cargo-Related Operation Plans, Procedures, and Checklists
- 10 Ability to Manage and Supervise Personnel with Cargo-Related Responsibility
- 2.0 Knowledge of Pump Theory and Characteristics, including Types of Cargo Pumps and their Safe Operation
- 2.1 Pump Theory and Characteristics, including Types of Cargo Pumps
- 2.2 Pressure Surge
- 4.0 Knowledge and Understanding of Monitoring and Safety Systems, including the Emergency Shutdown
Day 4 - 7.3 Tank Cleaning Operation
- 7.4 Inert Gas System
- 7.5 Gas Freeing
- 1.12 ODME Operation
- (LCHS and Practical Assessment)
- 9 Ability to Calibrate and use Monitoring and Gas-Detection Systems, Instruments, and Equipment
- 13.0 Knowledge and Understanding of Safe Working Practices, including Risk Assessment and Personal Shipboard Safety Relevant to Oil Tankers:
- 13.1 Precautions to be Taken When Entering Enclosed Spaces, including Correct Use of Different Types of Breathing Apparatus.(**)
- 13.2 Precautions to be Taken Before and During Repairs, as well as Maintenance Work
- 13.3 Precautions for Hot and Cold Work
- 13.4 Precautions for Electrical Safety
- 13.5 Use of Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Day 5 - 7.1 Loading / Unloading
- 7.2 Ballasting / De-ballasting
- 7.3 Tank Cleaning Operation (Theory and Description)
- 3. Proficiency in Tanker Safety Culture and Implementation of Safety Management System
- 5.0 Loading Unloading, Care, and Handling of Cargo
- 5.1 Ability to Perform Cargo Measurements and Calculations
- 6.0 Knowledge of the Effect of Bulk Liquid cargoes on Trim, Stability and Structural Integrity
Day 6 - 7.4 Inert Gas System
- 7.5 Gas Freeing (Theory and Description)
- 11.0 Knowledge and Understanding of the Physical and Chemical Properties of the Cargo
- 11.1 Physical Properties
- 11.2 Chemical Properties
- 11.3 Understanding the Information Contained in a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
- 12 Knowledge and Understanding of the Hazards and Control Measures Associated with Oil Tanker Cargo Operations,
- 12.1 Toxicity
- 12.2 Flammability and Explosion
- 12.3 Health Hazards
- 12.4 Inert Gas Composition
- 12.5 Electrostatic Hazards
- 12.6 Oxygen Deficiency
- 16 Knowledge of Medical First Aid Procedures On-Board Oil Tankers
Day 7 - 7.7 Load On Top
- 7.8 Crude Oil Washing
- 1.12 ODME Operation (Theory)
- 7.6 Ship to Ship Transfer – 2 hours
- 14 Knowledge and Understanding of Oil Tanker Emergency Procedures
- 14.1 Ship Emergency Response Plan
- 14.2 Cargo Operations Emergency Shut Down
- 14.3 Actions to be Taken in the Event of Failure of Systems or Services Essential to Cargo
- 14.4 Fire Fighting on Oil Tankers
- 14.5 Enclosed Space Rescue
- 14.6 Use of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
- 15 Actions to be Taken Following Collision, Grounding, or Spillage
Day 8 - 12.7 Knowledge and Understanding of Non-Compliance with Relevant Rules and Regulations
- 17 Understanding of Procedures to Prevent Pollution of the Atmosphere and the Environment
- 17.1 Pollution Prevention Requirements of Ship's Construction and Equipment
- 17.2 Controlled Operational Pollution at Sea
- 17.3 Prevention of Pollution In Port
- 17.4 Importance of the Oil Record Book (ORB) for Pollution Prevention
- 17.5 Air Pollution
- 18 Knowledge and Understanding of Relevant Provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) (as amended), and Other Relevant IMO Instruments, Industry Guidelines and Port Regulations as Commonly Applied
- 19 Case Studies
- 20 Assessment