
Environmental Control Officers (Specified Construction Sites) (Synchronous e-learning)

Topic:Built Environment

Course Type:Short & Modular Courses

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  • Course Date:

  • Registration Period:

  • Duration/Frequency:

    50 Hours
  • Mode of Training:

    Face-to-Face (Classroom Teaching)
  • Venue:

    Singapore Polytechnic
  • Funding:


This course aims training Construction Site Supervisors Environmental Health Control work, lining with the Environmental Control Officer (Specified Construction Sites) [ECO (SCS)] scheme's primary aim of supporting a more pro-active role ensuring construction sites remain free of Environmental Health problems.

Course Objective

This course aims supporting the National Environmental Agency’s (NEA) Environmental Control Officer Scheme advocating eco-friendly practices, within Specified Construction Sites (SCS).

Course Outline

By the end of course, participants will be able to: 
  1. Prepare and submit Site Environmental Control Programme (SECP) and Reports (SECR) to CS occupiers
  2. Identify Environmental issues and recommend measures to rectify irregularities
  3. Prepare and submit a SECR to CS occupiers
  4. Assist authorities in investigating Environmental issues
  5. Organise campaigns, training courses, as well as other engaging activities to develop and sustain workers’ interest in maintaining good Environmental Health standards

Topics to be covered
  • Introduction to ECO Scheme and Environmental Laws
  • Introduction to ECO (SCS) Scheme (Assignment on drafting a SECP and SECR)
  • Introduction to Public Health Diseases
  • Vector Control
  • Food Safety
  • Effective Procurement of Cleaning and Pest Control Services
  • Air Pollution Control
  • Noise Pollution Control
  • Water Pollution and Earth Control
  • Waste Management in CS

Minimum Requirements

Eligible Applicants must meet AT LEAST ONE of these criteria:
  1. A degree from local universities or any other institutes acceptable to the Director-General of Public Health
  2. A diploma from local polytechnics or other institutes acceptable to the Director-General of Public Health, with 2 years of relevant working experience*        
  3. WPLN L7 in reading, listening, speaking, writing and numeracy                        
  4. WPLN L6 in reading, listening, speaking, writing and numeracy with 2 years of relevant working experience*

*Environmental Engineering, Estate Management (e.g. WSH, Environmental Health i.e., Cleaning Services, Pest Control, Waste Management, or any other work, which in opinion of the DGPH, is relevant to work performed by an ECO(SCS))

Certification / Accreditation

• Certificate of Attendance (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants who meet at least 75% attendance rate

• Certificate of Completion (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants who pass the assessment and meet at least 75% attendance rate

Suitable for

Managers / Executives / Technical Officers