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Masterclass in Facilities Management

Topic:Built Environment, Others

Course Type:Short & Modular Courses

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  • Course Date:

  • Registration Period:

  • Duration/Frequency:

    17/07/2023 - 19/07/2023
  • Mode of Training:

  • Venue:

  • Funding:


Course Introduction:

This course introduces participants to a range of emerging Facilities Management (FM) practices that are essential for innovation in smart estate management.

Practices such as:

  1. Outcome based procurement: It covers various aspects of FM outsourcing from determining whether to outsource to the management of an appointed vendor. It aims to provide participants with the fundamentals and strategies in outsourcing FM services from a single service to a total package. The strategies to integrate outcome-based performance in the documentations, contractual arrangement, tendering processes and Price Quality Method (PQM) evaluation, as well as effective vendor management, contract administration to achieve organisational strategic objectives. It also highlights pertinent considerations and practical challenges of monitoring and measuring service standards of an Integrated Facilities Management (IFM) Service Contract. 
  2. Introduce principles of Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) systems in FM: It introduces M&E design principles that are essential for innovation in smart estate management. 
  3. Maintenance of buildings and infrastructure: To learn the maintenance strategies.

Course Objective

The course examines the use of single service to total service package outsourcing models. It includes the determination of the types of contractual arrangement, whether it should be lump sum, cost plus, management based (with or without budget), Integrated Facilities Management (IFM), and suitably, the adoption of spiral contract. It distinguishes the use of performance specifications and the necessary monitoring and measuring of service performance. The course recommends contemporary approach to manage and engage vendors to enhance stakeholders’ relationship and users’ satisfaction. In addition, participants will be enlightened of pertinent contractual clauses while administering an IFM service contract, starting from the mobilisation, operation to the exit management, in the process, managing practical challenges of inspection, progress payment, incentives and liquidated damages to deliver clients’ Facilities Management (FM) contract outcomes.

This course also aims to give essential knowledge of the main Mechanical &Electrical (M&E) systems. It equips participants with the skills they need to optimse M&E maintenance regimes in the FM industry.

Course Outline

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the Course, participants will be able to: 

  1. Apply strategic procurement principles and exercise governance to meet the organisational strategic objectives.
  2. Prepare suitable contractual arrangement for FM services including the Term contract, Managing Contracting contract and Integrated Facilities Management contract; and the preparation of the associated contract documents.
  3. Manage quotation or tendering processes, pre-qualifications and compliances.
  4. Administer FM Service Contract of its pertinent contractual clauses starting from mobilisation, operations to exit management, in the process, managing challenges including inspection, performance assessment, and improvement review for future FM procurement.
  5. Apply life cycle costing and replacement strategies. 
  6. Optimise M&E system to achieve operational efficiency.
  7. Evaluate the role of sensors and IoT for Smart Building and Smart Estate.
Topics to be covered
  1. Facilities Management (FM) Outsourcing and Outcome-Based Contract Management
  2. Vendor Performance and Contract Management
  3. Building Defects and their Causes
  4. Design Principles of Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Systems 

Minimum Requirements

Minimum 5 years of working experience in facilities management

Certification / Accreditation

• Certificate of Attendance (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants who meet at least 75% attendance rate

• Certificate of Completion (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants who pass the assessment and meet at least 75% attendance rate

Suitable for

Building Executive / Facilities Executive / Property Executive / Facilities Manager

Course Fees

For more information on course fee / or to apply, click on the “Register” button.

Applicants/Eligibility SkillsFuture Funding GST Subsidised Fee (after GST)
Singapore Citizens aged 40 and above1 $657.00 $19.71 $92.71
Singapore Citizens aged below 40 $511.00 $19.71 $238.71
Singapore Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders $511.00 $19.71 $238.71
SME-sponsored Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders2 $657.00 $19.71 $92.71
Others (Full fees payable) $0.00 $65.70 $795.70

Application Procedure

1. Application must be made through STEP. Click on “Register” to apply.
2. All successful applicants will be notified with a letter of confirmation through email. 

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