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FinTech – Blockchain (Beginners)

Topic:Business Management

Course Type:Short & Modular Courses

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  • Course Date:

  • Registration Period:

  • Duration/Frequency:

    120 hours (inclusive of 40 hours of e-learning & 21 hours of projects)
  • Mode of Training:

    Blended (F2F & Online Synchronous)
  • Venue:

    Singapore Polytechnic
  • Funding:

    Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit

Course Objective

This course is a complete introduction to blockchain application development enabling participants to join the ranks of blockchain professionals in the Financial Services industry. At the end of the 120-hr course, participants will learn how to set up blockchain, create cryptocurrencies and develop smart contracts.

Course Outline

Topic 1: What is Blockchain?
• Digital Cash, Bitcoin, and Blockchain
• Cryptography in Blockchain
• Proof of Work, How it Works?
• Byzantine Fault Tolerance, Consensus Protocols
• Lab 1: Set Up a Blockchain

Topic 2: How Bitcoin Works?
• Understanding Bitcoin Mining
• Mining Hardware

Topic 3: What’s in a Bitcoin Transaction?
• Wallets
• Public Private Keys
• Lab 2a: Using Crypto Wallets
• Lab 2b: Create a Cryptocurrency

Topic 4: Beyond Bitcoin – The Blockchain Ecosystem

Topic 5: Ethereum & Smart Contracts
• Lab 3: Writing a Smart Contract

Minimum Requirements

1. Participants must have understanding of a programming language like JavaScript/ Python

2. Participants will be required to attempt a mandatory test and pass this test. The test is single attempt only. Only participants, successfully passing the test, will be eligible to be enrolled into the programme

3. Participants must have their own laptop pre-installed with a standard programming environment (Linux/Ubuntu or Mac OS X)
- Windows PCs with Virtual Machines running Linux/Ubuntu, equipped with terminal and a text editor are accepted

Please note participants, with native Windows OS, will need to ensure they can source for their own programming environment tools as this is a developer-centric course and Windows OS is not suitable for blockchain development

Certification / Accreditation

• Certificate of Performance (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Performance will be awarded to participants who pass the examination and meet at least 75% attendance rate

Suitable for

Junior software developers/engineers with an interest in blockchain
Professionals with development/programming background with an interest in blockchain

Course Fees

For more information on course fee / or to apply, click on the “Register” button.

Applicants/Eligibility SkillsFuture Funding GST Subsidised Fee (after GST)
Singapore Citizens aged 40 and above¹ $3,600.00 $108.00 $508.00
Singapore Citizens aged below 40 $2,800.00 $108.00 $1,308.00
Singapore Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders $2,800.00 $108.00 $1,308.00
SME-sponsored Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders² $3,600.00 $108.00 $508.00
Others (Full fees payable) $0.00 $360.00 $4,360.00

Application Procedure

1. Application must be made through STEP. Click on “Register” to apply.
2. All successful applicants will be notified with a letter of confirmation through email. 

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