
5G Industry Practitioner (Overview) (Synchronous e-learning)

Topic:Infocomm Technologies (ICT)

Course Type:Short & Modular Courses

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  • Course Date:

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  • Duration/Frequency:

    16 Hours
  • Mode of Training:

    E-learning (Synchronous)
  • Venue:

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Have you ever wondered how 5G works? Or what are the differences between 4G and 5G? This 5G course introduces participants to the fundamentals of 5G technology and 5G technology drivers. Participants will learn how 5G’s improved performance, compared to 4G, will drive new services and business models.

The course is developed in partnership with leading 5G technology player and 3GPP member Ericsson to provide a vendor-agnostic overview of the 5G technology. It seeks to address the training gaps with practical sessions. Tapping on Ericsson’s local and worldwide experiences, the course will include up-to-date use case examples and applications of the 5G technology both locally and overseas. Participants will get to receive first-hand experience on 5G with practical hands-on sessions on a live 5G network. 

As 5G technology is rapidly being deployed in Singapore and worldwide, it is poised to push the boundaries of the various industries. There will be need for a large pool of the workforce involved in adopting, deploying and developing various applications using 5G technology in the industry by gaining a clear and practical understanding of 5G. If you are looking to jump start your 5G knowledge and skills for the rising wave of demand, consider to join this course now.

Course Objective

This course aims to provide participants with a vendor agnostic overview of the 5G wireless technology, its architecture, requirements and applications, benefits, deployment scenario, future development and impact on industry, and how it drives new business models.

Participants will understand the need for migration to 5G. How software defined 5G network will lead and support Edge applications. How Industry professionals can harness the benefits of 5G network to new business models

By completing this course with 2 other courses in the 5G series, participants will be awarded with the SP Ericsson 5G Industry Practitioner Certificate.

Course Outline

The course will be delivered through a combination of lectures, practical demonstration, hands-on simulation and interactive workshop. 

By the end of the Course, learners will be able to:  

- Describe the term 5G technology 
- Explain 5G technologies, its evolution and objectives. 
- Explain 5G requirements and specifications 
- Illustrate deployment and operation scenarios 

Topics to be covered

A. Introduction to 5G Technology 
B. NR Technology Overview 
C. 5G RAN Overview 
D. Core Overview  
E. 5G Evolved Packet Core (5G EPC) to 5G Core (5GC) 
F. Basic Antenna theory 
G. Security Basics 
H. In the Future

Minimum Requirements

Participants should possess basic computer literacy in software and programming

Certification / Accreditation

• Certificate of Attendance (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants who meet at least 75% attendance rate

• Certificate of Completion (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants who pass the assessment and meet at least 75% attendance rate

Suitable for

Engineers and Technologists from Industries like Electronics, Engineering Services, Infocomm Technology, Logistics, Public Transport, Healthcare