Upon completion of all five Modular Certificates within a five-year validity period, the participant will be conferred a Diploma qualification from Singapore Polytechnic.
Upon the completion of the Computer-Aided Drafting module by School of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (authorized Autodesk Training Centre), participants will receive:
- Autodesk Certificate of Completion (e-certificate), for those who meet the course requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)1. Is Diploma in Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing) pegged at Advanced-Level?
At Diploma Level. Diploma in Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing) aims providing a strong foundation in Manufacturing and Mechanical Technology to participants, as well as an emphasis on emerging skillsets for Advanced Manufacturing.
As Singapore moves towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution (known as Advanced Manufacturing in Singapore), many new high-valued jobs will be created to support the digital transformation, many companies are undertaking to improve the digitalisation of process.
2. What are the differences between Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Technology?
Both Diplomas in Engineering provide participants an opportunity to articulate into NUS (B Tech) degree programme, and provide good relevant trainings to join Engineering industries.
For Diploma in Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing), it focuses on emerging knowledge and skills (like Additive Manufacturing, Internet of Things (IoT), Data Analytics) to support industries undergoing transformation, whereas the latter aims equipping participants with broad-based knowledge and skills to work in general Manufacturing industries.
Both mechanical graduates will be in good demand to join the workforce in Singapore's manufacturing-led economy.
3. Which universities can I apply to after I complete my Continuing Education and Training (CET) Diploma? You can apply to Part-Time Undergraduate programmes relevant to your diploma course at NUS and UniSIM.
Please click
here for more information on NUS, Bachelor of Technology (BTech)
4. Will I need to take any bridging programme?
The revised Part-Time diploma is intended to be more accessible to the workforce, and made shorter in duration compared to the Full-Time diploma because broad-based interdisciplinary modules, final year projects and internships, as well as academic modules (e.g., Mathematics, Sciences) are omitted. As such, most Part-Time Undergraduate programmes would require you to go through a bridging programme to prepare you adequately before admission.
5. If I need to take the bridging programme, how much will it cost and how long will it take?
While the polytechnics and universities are bridging programmes out, their durations will depend on their type and nature of the Part-Time degree course you apply for, being between six months to a year. Fees will not be more expensive than undergraduate modules of comparable duration.