DEMT Engineering-5

Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical Technology)

Topic:Built Environment, Engineering, Others

Course Type:Part-Time Diploma and Post-Diploma Courses

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  • Course Date:

    21 Apr 2025 to 30 Sep 2027
  • Registration Period:

    01 Dec 2024 to 02 Mar 2025
  • Duration/Frequency:

    3 evenings per week, 6.30pm-10.30pm
  • Mode of Training:

  • Venue:

    Singapore Polytechnic
  • Funding:

    Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit

Please note that once the maximum class size is reached, the online registration will be closed. You may register your interest and be notified when there is a new run.

Class schedule:
3 evenings a week
6.30pm to 10.30pm

Course Duration: 
900 hours (2.5yr)

MC to start with:

Please refer to Academic Calendar.


For specific course details, please contact the Course Manager:
Name:  Mr Raymond Ong

For other enquiries, please email to

Course Objective

The Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical Technology) aims better preparing participants with necessary skills and knowledge for career advancement, meeting demands for the operation and maintenance of equipment and facilities for all key industry sectors, such as Precision Engineering (PE).

Graduates of the course will be well-equipped with Mechanical Engineering Technologist knowledge and skills, enabling him/her to:

  • Support Mechanical Engineers in performance of their technical duties, such as Designing, Operating, Fabricating, Commissioning, and Maintenance work
  • Operate and maintain a wide range of Mechanical and Manufacturing equipment
  • Carry out Designing, Fabricating, Modifying, and Commissioning of Mechanical Components and Systems

Course Outline

The course is a 2.5 years part-time programme. It consists of 5 Modular Certificates (MC) conducted over 5 semesters, 1 MC per semester. The first MC to start with is MC1. The classes are conducted in the evening. Each MC comprises two modules and the details are as follows:

MC 1 - Certificate in Basic Engineering Technology
Module 1 - Statics and Dynamics
Module 2 - Thermofluid Systems
Module 3 - Computer-Aided Drafting

MC 2 - Certificate in Intermediate Engineering Technology
Module 1 - Mechanics of Materials and Machines
Module 2 - Thermofluid Power
Module 3 - Engineering Materials

MC3: Certificate in Advanced Engineering Technology
Module 1 - Mechanics of Machines Element
Module 2 - Engineering Thermodynamics
Module 3 - Robotics & Mechanical Design

MC 4 - Certificate in Automation Technology
Module 1 - Industrial Automation
Module 2 - Machine Elements & Mechanisms Design
Module 3 - Computer-Aided Drafting and Design

MC 5A Certificate in Machining Technology
Module 1 - CNC Turning Technology
Module 2 - CNC Milling Technology
Module 3 -Advanced Machining Processes (including 4-hr Advanced Manufacturing (i4.0) Learning Journey)


The synopsis of the modules can be found here.

Minimum Requirements

Applicants must not suffer from serious colour appreciation deficiency.

Applicants with any of the following qualifications are invited to apply for the Part-Time diploma:

a) The following GCE 'O' Level grades and with at least 1 year of relevant working experience:
  • English Language Grade 1 – 7
  • Mathematics (Elementary or Additional) Grade 1 – 6
  • Science Grade 1 – 6

b) Nitec in an engineering or information technology discipline with GPA >= 3.5

c) Nitec in an engineering or information technology discipline with GPA >= 3.0 and at least 1 year of relevant working experience.

d) Nitec in Technology in an engineering or information technology discipline with GPA >= 3.5 and at least 1 year of relevant working experience.

e) Higher Nitec in an engineering or information technology discipline with GPA >=2.0

f) Higher Nitec in an engineering or information technology discipline with GPA >=1.5 and at least 1 year of relevant working experience.

g) Higher Nitec in Technology in an engineering or information technology discipline with GPA >=2.0 and at least 1 year of relevant working experience.

h) Relevant WSQ Advanced Certificate (or higher) with at at least 1 year of relevant working experience and Level 6 for both WSQ Workplace Literacy SOA & Workplace Numeracy SOA

i) Applicant with none of the qualifications listed above but at least 2 years of relevant working experience.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Applicants, not meeting the entry requirements, may be considered based on supporting evidence of competency readiness. Shortlisted applicants may have to go through an interview and/or entrance test. The Polytechnic reserves the right to shortlist and admit applicants.

Certification / Accreditation

Upon completion of five Certificates within a five-year validity period, participants will be conferred a Diploma qualification from Singapore Polytechnic.

Upon the completion of the Computer-Aided Drafting module by School of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (authorized Autodesk Training Centre), students will receive:
  • Autodesk Certificate of Completion (e-certificate), for those who meet the course requirements

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Which universities can I apply to, after completing my Continuing Education and Training (CET) Diploma?

You can apply for Part-Time Undergraduate programmes relevant to your diploma course, at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore Institute of technology (SIT), and SIM University (UniSIM).

Please click here for more information on NUS, Bachelor of Technology (BTech).

2. Will I need to take any bridging programme?

The revised Part-Time diploma is intended being more accessible to the workforce, and made shorter in duration compared to the Full-Time diploma as broad-based interdisciplinary modules, final year projects and internships, as well as academic modules (e.g., Mathematics and Sciences) are omitted. As such, most Part-Time Undergraduate programmes would require you to go through a bridging programme, adequately preparing you before admission.

3. If I need to take the bridging programme, how much will it cost and how long will it take?

While the polytechnics and universities currently work bridging programmes out, their duration depend on type and nature (expected to be between six months to a year). Fees will not be more expensive than undergraduate modules of comparable duration.

Suitable for

Engineers / Assistant Engineers / Technicians / Technical Supervisors / other personnel seeking broad-based Mechanical Engineering knowledge, or careers in the Mechanical, Manufacturing, and Production sectors. People, intending to make conversion to these technical areas in their career pursuit, are also welcomed to apply

For more video testimonials, refer below:
  1. DEMT Lecturer Sharon
  2. DEMT Student Testimonial Syahir
  3. DEMT Student Testimonial Sufians