
Hands-on Orthokeratology Workshop for Optometrists

Topic:Applied & Health Sciences

Course Type:Short & Modular Courses

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  • Course Date:

  • Registration Period:

  • Duration/Frequency:

    7.5 hours
  • Mode of Training:

    Face-to-Face (Classroom Teaching), Practical Training
  • Venue:

    Singapore Polytechnic
  • Funding:

    Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit

This course is designed to offer practical insights into Orthokeratology, complemented with a solid theoretical foundation and case-based discussions. Participating Optometrists will, consequently, further improve their skills in Myopia Management.


Course Objective

Participants will acquire a solid Orthokeratology foundation and enhance Myopia Management skills, through a combination of theoretical knowledge, case-based discussions, and hands-on practical experience in Orthokeratology lens fits. This workshop is aimed to Optometrists & Opticians Board (OOB) registered Optometrists.

Course Outline

By the end of the course, participants will be able to: 
  1. Demonstrate Orthokeratology fittings on myopic patients
  2. Distinguish between various Post Orthokeratology Corneal Topography scenarios
  3. Select appropriate Orthokeratology designs for myopic patients

Topics to be covered
  • Orthokeratology Fundamentals
  • The Role of Corneal Topography in Orthokeratology
  • Workshop 1: Fitting Orthokeratology Lenses
  • Workshop 2: Corneal Topography Pre- and Post- Fit
  • Case-Based Scenarios & Panel Discussion

Minimum Requirements

Independent Optometrist with Full-Registration license from the Ministry of Health’s Optometrists and Opticians Board (OOB)

Certification / Accreditation

• Certificate of Attendance (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants who meet at least 75% attendance rate

• Certificate of Completion (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants who pass the assessment and meet at least 75% attendance rate

Suitable for

Registered Optometrists providing Eye Care, Myopia Management and Contact Lens services to patients, in line with MOH Optometrists & Opticians Board’s practice guidelines