Special Education Needs

To build an inclusive community that promotes a culture of understanding and mutual support that enhances the learning experience and development of students with special educational needs.

Special Education Needs (SEN) Funds

Objective of the Ministry of Education (MOE)’s SEN Fund is to allow students with physical, hearing or visual impairment (PI, HI or VI) to have equal access to their institutions’ programmes and services, as well as learn to be independent learners and workers.

Students with (PI, HI or VI) can tap into the SEN Fund to purchase Assistive Technology (AT) devices and support services.

Award Quantum
Whole duration of the diploma course

Students with physical impairment
Claim up to $5,000

Students with hearing or visual impairment
Claim up to $25,000


  • Singapore Citizen
  • Full-time diploma student
  • Have declared Special Education Need to SP, with a statement of diagnosis of (PI, HI or VI) from relevant medical professionals

To find out more regarding Special Education Needs support in SP, click HERE to view the SEN Brochure.

SEN Centre
Blk T17, level 2
Opening Hours
Mondays to Fridays
9.00am - 12.00pm
2.00pm - 5.00pm
Contact contactus@sp.edu.sg