Bulim Dorm Worker’s Appreciation Day 2022

Bulim Dorm Worker’s Appreciation Day 2022 was a carnival event organised by JTC Corporation and China Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC). With the aim of providing migrant workers with some leisure and stress relief, the event took place on 23 October 2022, 4pm to 7pm, at Bulim dormitory.

The event was kicked off with a friendly match of dodgeball. Through the event, 528 foreign workers from various nationalities participated in games like Jumbo Jenga, Ring tosses, Five-stone tic-tac-toe and won various prizes such as snacks, necessities, Mcdonald vouchers, and thrift store vouches. There was also free ice-cream and a lucky draw where several attendees were able to walk away with Bluetooth speakers, Wireless earphones and a backpack.

 The student team were responsible for concept ideation, programme and activities planning and executing the event. In preparation, they performed research to gather insights on what the migrant workers would enjoy as well as what prizes would appeal to them. They were also responsible for sourcing and procuring of event logistics, designing the marketing collaterals and recruiting the volunteers.

 This was a successful event where the students and volunteers had the opportunity to learn to run a carnival style event from professionals while also giving 528 migrant workers one day to enjoy.



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