Design Thinking & User Experience (DTUX) Summit 2022


Design Thinking & User Experience (DTUX) Summit is an annual event showcasing success stories in the innovation and design sectors, both locally and regionally, with the aim to raise awareness and appreciation of good designs in these sectors.

DTUX Summit 2022 took place at SP Convention Centre on 16th September 2022, with a plenary session presenting six speakers, followed by concurrent workshops at multiple venues.

The team, in collaboration by with SP User Experience Centre (UXC), planned and executed

DTUX Summit 2022 and ensured the success of the event.

Throughout the project, the team was exposed to various aspects of the event, such as logistics and marketing. In particular, the team was responsible for the event's volunteer management and media arrangements.

DTUX Summit 2022 had attracted over 400 students and delegates, both locally and internationally. All involved were satisfied with the pleasant experience they had with the event.





SP Sustainability Matters