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  • Climate Change Management – Carbon Neutrality (ISO 14068-1:2023) leading to Greenhouse Gas Professional

Climate Change Management – Carbon Neutrality (ISO 14068-1:2023) leading to Greenhouse Gas Professional

Topic:Sustainability and Green Skills

Course Type:Short & Modular Courses

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  • Course Date:

  • Registration Period:

  • Duration/Frequency:

    14 Hours
  • Mode of Training:

    Face-to-Face (Classroom Teaching)
  • Venue:

    Singapore Polytechnic
  • Funding:

    Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit

This 2-day course revisits some key concepts, principles and practices of organisational Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, as well as removal quantification and reporting, outlined in International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 14064-1; related requirements for carbon footprinting of products, under ISO 14067 is also summarised. This refresh then provides the key foundation of key principles and requirements demonstrating carbon neutrality, following a hierarchy on a pathway to Net Zero, outlined by ISO 14068-1.

Overall, how the pathway is used, in developing a carbon neutrality management plan, the methodologies used for carbon footprint quantification, use of offset, are mainly covered. Participants, responsibly for carbon neutrality, will have clear guidance to optimising their roles.

Course Objective

Human activity has negatively impacted our planet, to a significant extent. Climate change is one of the most urgent issues of our time, as a result. Hence, Sustainability initiatives are now applied to prevent worst effects, keeping overall global temperature rise no more than 1.5°C by end of the century. However, compared to the pre-industrial scenario, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) eminent scientists identified cutting GHG emissions by 40% by this decade, and hit global Net Zero by 2050. Overall, fixing problematic climate change and keeping the planet's future stable and prosperous is a key driving force behind climate action. Furthermore, Carbon Neutrality, being a state of balance between carbon released into the atmosphere and amount of carbon removed from it, is an important milestone on this pathway to Net Zero. Hence, this course equips participants with the essential skills towards this goal, in accordance with ISO 14068-1:2023.

Course Outline

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
  1. Outline the key principles, requirements, terms, and guidelines of ISO 14068-1.
  2. Describe the relationship between ISO 14068-1 and the broader family of ISO standards addressing GHG emissions, and Environmental Management.
  3. Develop a plan to become carbon neutral: Quantification, Reduction, Offsetting, and Reporting.
  4. Prepare and document a Carbon Neutrality Management Plan.
  5. Claim and maintain Carbon Neutrality status.
  6. Outline the evolving policy and regulatory landscape related to Carbon Neutrality claiming.

Topics to be covered
  • Key Principles of ISO 14068-1
  • Developing a Carbon Neutral plan
  • Documentation of Carbon Neutrality Management Plan
  • Carbon Neutrality Status

This course is jointly offered by Singapore Polytechnic and BSI Group Singapore.

BSI shapes many of the world’s leading standards and is accredited by over 20 local and international bodies. As a global trusted brand, the BSI certificate is recognised worldwide and is a mark of expertise, quality and integrity.

To be awarded a certified Greenhouse Gas Professional qualification and a BSI Mark of Trust, participants need to register, complete and pass all assessments for the following courses:

  1. Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of Products (ISO 14067-1:2018) leading to Greenhouse Gas Professional 
  2. Climate Change Management – Carbon Neutrality (ISO 14068-1:2023) leading to Greenhouse Gas Professional


Note: Participants must have completed and passed all assessments for courses under the certified BSI Greenhouse Gas Practitioner qualification before applying for the 2 courses. For information on courses under the certified BSI Greenhouse Gas Practitioner qualification, please click here.

Minimum Requirements

Has Basic English Proficiency, at least 3 Years of working experience, completed and passed the examinations for the British Standards Institution (BSI) Greenhouse Gas Practitioner Qualification

Certification / Accreditation

• Certificate of Attendance (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants who meet at least 75% attendance rate

• Certificate of Completion (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants who pass the assessment and meet at least 75% attendance rate

Suitable for

Carbon Specialists / Energy Managers / Sustainability Engineers / Officers / Including job roles and work functions related to Environmental Sustainability and/or contribute towards driving Net Zero targets for their companies