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  • Sustainability Learning Journey: Strategy, Readiness and Solutioning (Classroom and Asynchronous learning)

Sustainability Learning Journey: Strategy, Readiness and Solutioning (Classroom and Asynchronous learning)

Topic:Sustainability and Green Skills

Course Type:Short & Modular Courses

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  • Course Date:

  • Registration Period:

  • Duration/Frequency:

    7 Hours
  • Mode of Training:

    Face-to-Face (Classroom Teaching), E-learning (Asynchronous)
  • Venue:

    Singapore Polytechnic, Online
  • Funding:

    Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit

​This course provides awareness about Sustainability, in terms of risks & opportunities of advancing climate agenda in business, accountability in carbon emission, as well as assess readiness in Sustainability transformation using Green Compass. Use of various Sustainability tools, technologies, and platform solutions transforming Business targets & strategies are covered. Additionally, used cases are shared to further explain why & how businesses embark on Sustainability.

Course Objective

This course teaches participants how to create a mindshare on Sustainability’s importance & impact to businesses, assesses readiness, and develop a decarbonisation roadmap with actionable goals while showcasing different Sustainability platform solutions.

Course Outline

By the end of the course, Participants will be able to: 
  1. Describe fundamentals of climate strategies, as well as regulatory and industry landscapes to develop Organisation Climate Strategies
  2. Evaluate readiness in Sustainability transformation, using a selected domain
  3. Use technological interventions & different platform solutions to drive carbon neutrality and, eventually, net zero

Topics to be covered
  • Fundamentals of Climate Strategies: Why & How Sustainability Matters to Your Business
  • Readiness in Sustainability Transformation using a Selected Domain
  • Sharing of Different Technological Interventions & Platform Solutions (e.g., develop a Green House Gas (GHG) inventory, setting of emission reduction targets, manage & report carbon footprints)
  • Clinic sessions in understanding Company Business needs in Sustainability

Minimum Requirements

Basic English Proficiency

Certification / Accreditation

• Certificate of Attendance (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants who meet at least 75% attendance rate

• Certificate of Completion (electronic Certificate will be issued)
A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants who pass the assessment and meet at least 75% attendance rate

Suitable for

Business Heads / Sustainability Leads / Team Leads / Managers / Supervisors